All despite the fact that Friday's wedding was just short of horrendous.
Think: Friday traffic, midday summer Texas heat, a large bridal party comprised of sorority bitches I mean girls, typical dark and dank denominational ceremony venue, and rooms full of Methodists. Mmm, mm, mm. I may or may not have whispered to Roberto halfway through the first reception (yeah...first) that if I never participated in another wedding as anything more than a guest or crasher in my life, I would die a happy person. Later that night he admitted that he wholeheartedly agreed. Though, sororities do have a way of making you hate life like that. F'real though, for me the stress would be worth it if it wasn't so routine and fussy. Stress + yawn = I didn't know this combination was possible but take my name off the list. But then, upon arriving home the next morning from dropping off rental gear after waking up way too early following a late night of drowning horror stories in Applebee appetizers and bahama mamas, (deep breath) the rewards reveal themselves on your SD cards. And they take your breath away. Whether weddings per se are required conduits for said rewards is entirely up for debate.
I've acquired a foreign penpal!!! After creating a profile on three different penpal sites and enduring multiple days of emails from halfwits trying to hit on a married person halfway around the world, I was finally contacted by a 25-year-old girl in Sweden. I once had a Romanian penpal when I was in middle school and still love the idea of exchanging physical letters. Even though Roberto and I have since decided it was a bad idea, I originally put on the advertisement that I was interested in snail mail, so she included her address ....annnd I may or may not have already used it to stroll up and down the streets of her city on Google maps. (I know, I know. Creep much?) Just imagining what it would be like to live in Sweden. Zooming in on the faces of pedestrians to see what Swedish people look like. The world is so big, and despite our diversity I can't help but feel that Americans are exposed to so little of it. Certainly and apparently, I'm no exception. I haven't been to Sweden. But I can now assure you that the grass is very green, the sky is very blue, and people there drive impractical cars and speak a funny language I have no desire to learn. And that I hope to go there someday. There are so many places I've never been but love to go to that it sometimes depresses me. I will say, though, that I'm excited to get to know someone from an entirely different culture, who will hopefully expand the horizon of my little world.
In related news, this past weekend Roberto and I have more or less decided to give up my birthday trip to the Colorado Rockies in hopes to do some more international travel sometime within the next year instead. We've been promising ourselves for years, but trips home always take up what travel money we have. I'm ohhh soo tired of getting my hopes up. But I'm determined this time. Backpacking in Europe is probably what'll be on the menu. Dare I say, we've earned it.
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