Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Don't be caddy!

I love those people who get offended when someone doesn't say hi. Then they get their caddy on and go rant and complain to another girl about how the other girl did them such a rude injustice and that "biatch" is such a snob. Unless you greet someone and they ignore you, you can't get your panties in a twist because they didn't rise above your level by failing to do something you yourself didn't even do. Cause I'm pretty sure that's one of the definitions for arrogance.

It seems I'm one of those people who've been "graced" with the responsibility of always being expected to take the initiative --- in greeting, and in life. (Why, why, why? Am I the only person who feels like this?...) For example: I walk into a room and see someone I kinda know. We make eye contact and I smile. But if I don't follow my grin with a "heyyyyyy girllll!!", there's often a vibe of "ahem. Shauna, don't you have something to say...?" I'm sorry, I failed to realize my mouth released the lock and bolt on yours.

Does it take class to grant a common courtesy, regardless of reciprocation? Yes. Do I ever intentionally not tell someone hi? No. Not that it isn't tempting if I detect you're one of those people. Which are usually detectable about a mile away.

If there's a moral to this story, it's treat others as you would like to be treated. If there's three morals to this story, it's treat others as you expect to be treated, act your age, and don't embarrass yourself by acting foolish.

Just sayin'. :)

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